Mama Mia's Pizzeria
Home Page

About Page

What's New Page

Contact Page

209 South Green Street
Tehachapi, CA 93561
Next to Hitching Post Theaters
(661) 823-1995
Operating Hours

Closed Mondays

Tuesday - Sunday
3:00PM to 10:00PM
Cyber Coupon
Mention that you saw this ad and receive
\$2.00 off a large pizza.

Coming Soon!
Lunch Buffet
Internet Access

Host your fund raiser or company party at Mama Mia's!
We offer 5% of sales for fund raising groups. Organizations or companies get sales tax free service over \$100.00
Birthday and other celebrations welcomed.
We can accommodate 50 or more for a private party.


Four Boys Original Recipe
Big Screen Television with cable TV
Video Games
CD Jukebox

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